Medical Sociology and Health Sociology

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Since almost a century ago, in medicine there appeared the need to try to understand the social factors related to the pattern of disease spread (epidemiology) and certain social groups.
Health medical
Thus, it is developed Medical Sociology that is a science that covers the study of the factors in etiology or the cause, prevalence or the number and interpretation of the disease, the medical profession itself and physician relations with public.
In subsequent developments, it is proved that response to community disease is not only the responsibility of the medical profession, but also a shared responsibility among health workers. In addition, approach to the problem of public health is expanded, from disease into health.
In line with these developments, Health Sociology also raises broader than medical sociology. Besides the topics in medical sociology, health sociology also discusses health behavior, social norms of health behaviors, and the interaction among health workers and between health workers and community.
Health Sociology is studied and developed by sociologist who specializes in the field of health, or by doctors that expand the horizon of science to the field of sociology. Many of sociology terms or concepts are included in medical terminology, especially used in epidemiological studies, such as community, social structure, social issues, roles, socialization, beliefs, norms, social surveys, and so on.

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