Way of Drinking Water Processing

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Many simple ways we can do to process water that we consume, we need to do this because the source of the water that we use does not necessarily meet the requirements of healthy water.

heating water

The ways of drinking water processing that we can do are as follows:

1. Drinking Water Processing Naturally
It can be done by the way of storage. For example, the source of drinking water that we get from wells, lakes, rivers, we have to save the water in advance and let it in a few hours in the container. By doing so, there will be kongulasi of substances contained in the water, so that it will form a precipitate. Then theprecipitate will become clear.

2. Drinking Water Processing by Filtering Method
A simple way of doing the filtering is by using gravel and sand material, after that, the water will become clearer.

3. Drinking Water Processing by Additional Chemical Substances Method
Chemicals that we use are two kinds; the first chemical is to help the deposition of water for example by using alum. The second chemical is to kill and eradicate germs contained in the water, for example by using chlorine.

4. Drinking Water Processing by Boiling Water Method
By boiling, the bacteria and germs that may be contained in drinking water will die, so that the water that we consume will be healthier and not cause disease.

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