Speed ​​Reading Techniques

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Speed ​​Reading Techniques
Various information media is very easy to be obtained now, starting from books, magazines, newspapers, articles on the Internet, many information media will be very tantalizing to read for knowledge lovers.
Reading for some people is fun and exciting activity, because by reading the knowledge we will be growing. The problem is that may we consume all of the available information on the media? although we cannot spend all the reading, but we will gain more knowledge and information if we use Speed Reading Technique.
There are two kinds of Speed ​​Reading Techniques:
1. Skimming Technique
Skimming technique is a speed reading technique which is done by taking the essence or essential points of a text. By reading the important points of a text, we can more quickly understand the subject or content of the text that we read.
So, when we perform this technique, we skip the materials that are not the subject and go straight to the subject matter. However, this technique is actually not easy to do for people who are not accustomed to read, only by frequent reading and having a good Reading skill, this technique becomes easy to do. If we are good at using this technique, we will very easily understand an article contents without wasting too much energy.
2. Scanning Technique
Scanning technique or also called Scamper Technique is a speed reading technique that is done by directly searching for the information we need, while we do not read the other information in a story. For example, we get an article about Various Kinds of Speech methods; we do not need to read the introductory description in the text, but just towards to the kinds of speech in the text that we read.

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