Home Health Care Agencies

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Skilled health care is given to the person in his home by visiting nurse associations, local health departments, or other private or hospital-affiliated home health care departments. Such care is given to avoid hospitalization of the ill person or to assist the person after discharge from the hospital of nursing home.
Services are given by the nurse, home health aide, physical or occupational therapist, nutritionist, and social worker, and they usually are directed toward the dying, chronically ill, elderly, or the young mother and baby. However, many people can use the services of a home health care agency, including the patient who is discharged from the hospital after extensive surgery or who is recovering from an injury prior to return to work. Also, the family who is in need of mental health counseling may respond better to therapy given in the home than in the office.
Home care has advantages for the person who needs help but does not need acute, specialized hospital services or who has a home (rather than the nursing home) to return to for rehabilitation or long-term care. The person can remain in a familiar setting where personal preferences and routines can be maintained. Further, the cost of care is considerably less to the patient / family or the taxpayer. Increasing emphasis is being placed on home health care services.

(Murray, RB and Zentner JP., Nursing Concepts for Health Promotion, Second Edtion, Prentice-Hall, Inc, Englewood Cliffs, N.J, 1979).

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