Categories of Health Workers

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Categories of Health Workers
1. Administration of health services
2. Anthropology and sociology
3. Automatic data processing in the health fields
Health Workers
4. Basic sciences in the health fields
5. Biomedical engineering
6. Chiropractic
7. Clinical laboratory services
8. Dentistry and allied service
9. Dietetic and nutritional service
10. Economic research in health fields
11. Environmental control
12. Food and drug protective services
13. Health and vital statistics
14. Health education
15. Health information and communication
16. Library services in health fields
17. Medical records
18. Medicine
19. Naturopathy
20. Osteopathy
21. Midwifery
22. Nursing and related services
23. Occupational therapy
24. Optometry and opticanry
25. Orthotic and prosthetic technology
26. Pharmacy
27. Physical therapy
28. Podiatry
29. Psychology
30. Radiologic technology
31. Secretarial and office services in health fields
32. Social work
33. Specialized rehabilitation services
34. Speech pathology and audiology
35. Veterinary medicine
36. Vocational rehabilitation counceling
37. Miscellaneous health services (such as inhalation therapy technician)
(Cunningham, Robert, Around the Nation-PSRO Letter, 1976).

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