Guidelines for the Nurse-Client Relationship

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If you consider your behavior an influence on the person`s of family`s behavior, you will be in a better position to advise specific approaches for bringing about change. You will want to develop the following :
a. Empathetic understanding, in which you respond to the person`s deeper feelings as well as to his superficial feelings.
b. Positive regard, through which concern is expressed for experiences, feelings, and potentials, especially important during an illness that erodes self-worth and esteem.
c. Genuineness, in which you use communication verbally and nonverbally in a constructive manner to open further areas of inquiry.
d. Explicitness of expression, in which your responses permit discussion and full expression in concrete terms about the person`s concerns.
e. Self-exploration, through which you encourage the client to be completely himself in his relationship with you.
Working with these dimensions in patient care and evaluating your level of achieving them will help you provide open and honest experience for your patients-experiences patients and families must have to be healthy and free.
Reference :
Aiken, Linda, and James L. Aiken,”A Systematic Approach to the Evaluation of Interpersonal Relationships,” American Journal of Nursing, 1973.

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