Emerging Trends in International Nursing

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Emerging Trends in International Nursing
a. Professional concern
Image, status, role of nursing and nurses, immigration of nurses, and roles if indigenous workers in health care of nations.
b. Educational concern
Types of programs effective in preparing nurses from other nations; recruitment and retention of students and graduates.
c. Women`s health
Determinants and responses of women to universal events such as birthing, mothering, menstruating, and lactating.
d. Family concern
Roles of family in support, care, and development of its members.
e. Culture and country of origin as they influence responses of nurses and patients to health and illness events.
f. Clinical therapeutics as practiced in other nations of cultures.
From Meleis, A : International Nursing Research, Annu Rev Nurs Res 5:205-227, 1987 and International Nursing Research for Knowledge Development, West J Nurs Res 9 (3):285-287, 1987.

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