Collaborative Activities of International Council of Nursing and World Health Organization

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Collaborative Activities of International Council of Nursing and World Health Organization :
a. 1948 ICN granted "official relationship" with WHO
b. 1951 WHO supported studies of nursing education programs
c. 1965 WHO and ICN published "World Directory of Post-Basic Nursing Schools"
d. 1974 ICN participated in WHO Expert Committee on Community Health Nursing
e. 1977 ICN supported WHO suggestions to develop community health nursing services
f. 1978 At Alma Ata ICN presented "Contribution of Nursing to Primary Health Care"
g. 1979 ICN-WHO conference in Nairobi "The Role of Nursing to Primary Health Care"
h. 1982 ICN participated in WHO Expert Committee on "Nursing in Support of the Goal of Health for all by the year 2000"
i. 1984 ICN-WHO worldwide survey of "Nurses and Physicians of Tomorrow"
j. 1985 ICN/WHO panel on "Aging : Implications for Nursing" at ICN 18th Congress
k. 1986 ICN participated in WHO and Japanese conference "Leadership in Nursing for Health for All"
l. 1987 ICN-WHO cooperated in drafting Guidelines for Nursing Management of AIDS
(Grace L. Deloughery, 1991, Issues and Trends in Nursing, Mosby Year Book, St. Louis, Missouri). 

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