Definition of Social Value
Value is something good, desirable, idealized, and considered important by citizens.
The followings are the definitions of social value, according to some experts:
a. According to Young
Social value is as assumptions that are abstract and often not aware of what is right and what is important.
b. According to Green
Social value is as relatively ongoing awareness with emotion to the objects, ideas, and individuals.
c. According to Woods
Social values are general guidelines and longstanding which lead to behavior and satisfaction in daily life.

The realization of value in life is valuable thing because it can distinguish between right and wrong, the beautiful and the bad, and the good and the bad. The realization of value in the community is in the form of rewards, punishments, praise, and so on. The source of these values is everything related to community.
In principle, the value of a person can be learned from childhood through the process of sociology, and can be learned through the daily life experience. This life experience can be ingrained in society members, but some are temporary.
This experience is often exchanged; if there is a new experience that can provide greater satisfaction they draw up the assumption that what is true and important is abstract, and often unrecognized. The experience can be transmitted by a person or group in society with diverse levels of intensity. This transmission is an important factor in the formation of one's personal in the community.