Health Promotion Strategy

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Based on the formulation of WHO (1994), health promotion strategy generally consists of three things:
Health Promotion
1. Advocacy
Advocacy is an activity to convince others to help or support what is desired. In the context of health promotion, advocacy is an approach to decision makers or policy makers in various sectors, and at various levels, so that the officials want to support health programs that we want.
Support from the decision-makers may be policies issued in the form of laws, regulations, decrees, letters of instruction, and so on.
There are various forms of advocacy activities, both formally and informally. Formally, for example, a presentation and seminar on the issue or proposal that wants to be requested support from relevant authorities. Informal advocacy activity such as meeting with the relevant authorities with the proposed program, informally asking for support, either in the form of policy, or perhaps in the form of funds or other facilities.
2. Social Support
Social support is an activity to seek social support through community leaders, both formal and informal community leaders. The purpose of this activity is the community leaders as the bridges between implementing the health program and the public or the health program recepients.
With this activity, it basically socializes health programs, so that people will accept and want to participate to the health program.
3. Community Empowerment 
Empowerment is a health promotion strategy aimed at the community directly. The purpose of community empowerment is to realize the community ability to maintain and improve their own health.
The forms of empowerment activities can be realized by various activities, such as health education, community training, and training of family income enhancement. By the enhancement of the family economy ability, it will impact on the ability of their health care.

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