Good and Effective Teaching Techniques

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Good and Effective Teaching Techniques 
If we work as a teacher / instructor / lecturer, we should have good ability to deliver material to be studied, if not then the students will be less understand, they do not like the subject, or even we as a teacher is not preferred.
Here are some good and effective teaching techniques that we can apply:
1. Material Mastery
Relearn the material to be conveyed and make summary or key points on the material, because you may teach a lot of other subjects so that sometimes you have been forgotten with this material that needs to be studied further in order to be better prepared.
2. Give Modules and Instructional Materials
Module is very useful for students, because with the support of the module, they will easily follow the lessons we deliver. Give this module at the beginning of the lesson or lecture so that the students can learn the material in advance that we will convey.
3. Exciting and interactive class atmosphere 
Create an atmosphere that is interesting and not boring, for that you need a lot of training, then your way of speaking, attitude, and your teaching methods are well received by the students. Being a "fierce" and too disciplined teacher is sometimes disliked by students, so they feel less comfortable. To be more interactive, increase discussion not just lecturing.
4. Keep Prestige
It makes the students respect us; students who respect us usually will make them more attention to the material that we deliver.
5. Concern to All Students
Give your attention with great affection, do not find students’ mistake. Good lovingly attention will make students become more passion so it can motivate them.
6. Interspersed Humor
Basically, learning process is a boring process, so it would be nice if we teach by interspersed humor because it will dilute the rigid class atmosphere.
7. Material delivery is not wordy
Submit the materials by delivering the important points, not too much rambling or too much telling which is not within the scope of your material.

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