Ways to Adapt to Stress

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Ways to Adapt to Stress
1. Try to slow your hectic pace. Do one thing at a time.
2. Assume a more passive attitude toward irritating or frustrating events. Consciously work to remain calm, or avoid the problem until you are in a better emotional condition to cope with it.
3. Set aside time for relaxation each day. You may want to try relaxation techniques, suc as transcendental meditation, yoga, biofeedback, or the relaxation response.
4. Talk about your feelings with friends, family, or a counselor to gain objectivity about the problem.
5. Use physical exercise and recreation to work off the energy of anxiety and to relieve tension. Find a fulfilling hobby or try doing something helpful for someone.
6. Try to correct aspects of your life that cause stress or worry, or change a role that doesn`t suit you.
7. Don`t push yourself beyond your limits of achievement or expect too much of yourself. Be satisfied with less while you do your best.
8. Analyze what is making you tense or anxious and try to lessen the stressfulness of the situation.
9. Accept things you cannot change. Do not expect too much from others. Accept your own normal irritation or anger response.
10. Seek psychotherapy if stress keeps you from functioning at your capabilities.
11. Keep something as the central core of your life and being, as your shelter or haven, for example, a religious, philosophical, moral, or ethical belief; a special place in your home to relax; a specific time for doing certain pleasurable activities; or a person who is a confidant and friend.
Reference :
Murray, RB and Zentner JP., Nursing Concepts for Health Promotion, Second Edtion, Prentice-Hall, Inc, Englewood Cliffs, N.J, 1979.

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