Diagnostic Cues

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Diagnostic Cues
Observing the integration of the body`s rhythms (or lack of suck integration) can be used to determine the person`s health status. Diagnosis and treatment of some illness can be determined from the study of cicardian rhythms or biological time. In some instances, the illness alters the pattern or circadian rhythm. Other illnesses show exaggerated or decreased symptoms at a particular biological time.
Blood pressure and temperature values, laboratory findings, and biopsy specimens for cell study are different according to the biological time of day. For instance, growth hormone levels in the blood are highest during the night hours; therefore, routine blood values taken at 8 A.M. will not give a total picture. Ambiguous laboratory findings and the need for repeated medical tests can be avoided if the person`s normal biological rhythms are considered first.
Rhythmic time cycles appear to influence many aspects of human life. Births and deaths occur more frequently at night and during the early morning; persons with ulcers and allergies suffer more in the spring; there are certain yearly peaks in the number of suicides and accidents. Eventually, knowledge about circadian rhythms and biological time way serve as a major tool in preventive health programs.
Reference :
Murray, RB and Zentner JP., Nursing Concepts for Health Promotion, Second Edtion, Prentice-Hall, Inc, Englewood Cliffs, N.J, 1979.

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