Types of Erosion: Ablation, Deflation, Corrosion, Abrasion, Eksarasi

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Types of Erosion: Ablation, Deflation, Corrosion, Abrasion, Eksarasi
Erosion is a process of annihilation of certain materials (rock, soil, etc.) on the earth surface.
Cause of Erosion is the exposure from the outside (wind, water) to the earth material, by the influence of gravity, there will be erosion. For example, soil and rock of the mountain slope will be easy to erode if it is exposed to the water flow from above. Another examples is cliff at the river edge eroded easily due to water exposure.

Types of erosion based on the cause:
1. Ablation
Ablation is erosion caused by water exposure or water stream that erodes the soil, rock or earth surface material.
The example is as I described above, soil and rocks in mountain slopes exposed to the water flow.

2. Deflation
Deflation is erosion caused by wind that erodes the soil, rock or earth surface material.
For example, soil and rocks on the mountain slopes are blown down by the wind.

3. Corrosion
Definition of corrosion is erosion caused by wind that carries material or granular sand which later on rocks, and then there will be erosion and weathering.

4. Abrasion
Abrasion is erosion caused by sea water wave activity eroding soil and rocks at the seaside.

5. Eksarasi
Eksarasi is erosion caused by melting ice water flow. This melting water flow in the flow way will erode the material in its path.

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