Definition of Law Source

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The definition of law source is a place where the law is found or excavated. The other meaning is a place or a referral when someone wanted to know the answers to the law problems faced. 

law sources

Ishaq (2008) gave the definition of sources of law in different meaning. The source of law is anything that makes the bind and forced rules, so if the rule is broke, it will lead to real and affirmative sanctions to the violators.

Furthermore, according to Fitzgerald, which is cited by Satipto Rahardjo stated that the sources of law that give birth to the law can be classified into two categories, the sources of legal nature and sources of social nature. The source of law of legal nature is a source recognized by the law itself and directly spawns or creates law. The source of law of social nature is a source that does not get formal recognition by the law, so it is not directly acceptable by law.

The word ‘Law source’ is often used in some definition:
1. As a principle of law, something that is the beginning of the law, such as the will of God, the human mind, and so on.
2. Shows the previous law that gave the materials to the existing law, such as the Roman law and French.
3. As the applicable source which gives strength formally to the rule of law.
4. As a source from which to know the law, such as documents, legislation, papyrus, and so on.
5. As the source of the law, in the sense of source that raises legal sources.

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