Definition, Element, Characteristic, Nature and Purpose of Law

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The definitions of law according to some experts:
1. According to Grotius, the definition of law is regulation of moral conduct that ensures justice (law is rule of moral action obligation to that which is right).
2. According to Immanuel Kant's, law is overall requirement that one’s free will can adjust to the free will of others, obey the law of liberty.
3. According to Soedikno Mertokusumo, law is all rules or norms in a life, the overall rules of conduct applicable to a life together, which can be forced to implement the sanctions.
4. According to E. Utrecht, law is the set of rules (command and prohibition) which manage of the order of a society and must be obeyed by the people.
5. According to Mochtar Kusumaatmadja, law is the overall principles and rules that govern the interaction of human life in a society, also include agencies or institutions and processes that embody the norms of society.

The elements of law are:
1. Regulation of human behavior in the society.
2. Regulation of law is coercive.
3. The rule of law made by the authorized state agencies or authorities making laws.
4. Legal sanction is assertive.

The characteristics of law are:
1. There are stated clearly about commands and prohibitions.
2. The existence of obedience in executing commands and prohibitions.

Law natures are:
1. Coercive
2. Regulated

The purposes of Law are:
1. According to Mochtar Kusumaatmadja, the purpose of law is maintained and ensuring the regularity and order.
2. According to Van Apedoorn order, the purpose of law is regulate the order in a society peacefully and fairly.
3. According to E. Utrecht, the purpose of law is to ensure legal certainty in human relationships.

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