Venous Thrombosis

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Venous Thrombosis
The incidence of thrombosis, or the development of blood clots, in the enlarged veins in the calf muscles of older patients is high. This is chiefly due to surgical procedures and to immobility. Surgical procedures on the lower extremities, especially, and the use of a tourniquet predispose the limb to clots.
Elderly patients with fractures of the pelvis and lower limbs are highly susceptible. Venous statis from bed rest and pooling of the blood in the pelvis by prolonged sitting positions will cause formation of thrombi.
Symptoms vary. Slight to moderate edema of the involved leg many be the only symptom, while pain, tenderness, and tightness can be minimal or absent. The calf may be warm to be tough. Pain and edema at the inner ankle can be significant signs. Homan`s sign, which is pain in the calf when the foot is dorsiflexed, is present in some cases. Diagnosis may be made by Doppler ultrasonic examination. Treatment is bed rest, elevation of the extremity, anticoagulants, and hot wet packs.
Reference :
Farrell J : Nursing Care of the Older Person, J.B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, 1990.

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