Characteristics of Gemeinschaft and Gesellchaft Systems

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Characteristics of Gemeinschaft and Gesellchaft Systems
Gemeinschaft and Gesellchaft
Gemeinschaft System :
a. Person-centered. Value of person is based on who and what he is.
b. Relationships based on tradition and sentimentality.
c. Low degree of organization or hierarchy. Norms and customs are unwritten. Group values determine person`s behavior.
d. Emotional aspects of person`s life and the behavioral results are accepted. Much sharing occurs. Efficiency may decrease because of moods.
e. Variety of jobs done by one person; each helps the other with tasks as indicated.
Gesellschaft System :
a. Task-centered. Person is valued for what he can do.
b. Relationships based on roles and superficiality. Little interaction between members.
c. High degree of organization and hierarchy. Policies precise and detailed but changed by fiat.
d. Emphasis on efficiency regardless of emotional status of person.
e. Specilized task done by each person. If person can`t function efficiently, he is replaced by another.

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