Signs and Symptoms of Weak Heart Disease

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Heart is a set of muscle as large as fist. Heart function is to pump blood that carries nutrients and oxygen to cells that require energy and carries wastes of the body cells.
weak heart disease
Weak heart is a condition in which the heart does not work normally or the ability of the heart decreases. The heart has a special muscle that is highly dependent on the ability of existing blood pressure of the body. If the blood pressure is high, the muscle’s work is greater. In contrast to other body muscles, the greater heart muscle, its ability to pump blood is decreasing.
According to a team of cardiologists from University of California, the signs and Symptoms of Weak Heart are:
1. Breathless
When the heart function begins to weaken, blood returns to the blood vessels that supply oxygen from the lungs to the heart. As a result, breathing becomes impaired. The breathless symptom appears during doing exercise or other activities.
2. Fatigue
When heart weakens, it cannot pump enough blood to meet all the needs of the body. As a result, blood is diverted from the less important parts of the body, such as arms and legs, to supply the more important areas such as heart and brain.
3. Chronic Cough
The fluid stacking in the lungs can cause incurable cough or wheezing. Sometimes, it produces phlegm or mucus which mixes with blood.
4. Fast or Irregular Heartbeat 
Heart can speed up the pulse to compensate for his inability to pump blood throughout the body. Patients will feel throbbing of his heart or sometimes irregular heartbeat.
5. Less Appetite 
When liver and digestive system have worked hard but failed to receive a healthy blood supply, it consequently appears nausea or satiety although not eaten. This disorder plus a variety of other factors can cause reduced weight quickly.
6. Impaired Thinking
Abnormal levels of certain substances in the blood such as sodium and reducing blood flow to the brain can impair memory or disorientation. However, the patient of weak heart is often not noticed.
7. Fluid Stacking and swelling
Because of the disruption of blood flow to the kidney, the kidney produces hormones that causes salt and water retention. As a result, swelling or edema happens. This condition is most common happened in the wrist and feet.

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