History Phases of Research or Qualitative Research

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In North America, Denzin and Lincoln (1117-1124; see also "Notes" Taylor and Wallace, 2007) noted, research or qualitative research has quite complex historical phases, they are:

Qualitative Research

a. Traditional phase (1900-1950), the heroic phase of field worker associated his observation within the framework of social realism, positivism, and objectivism.

b. Modernist or golden age phase (1950-1970), the researchers within the framework of culture developed emancipatory ideas in a variety of subject-research discourse which was tragic and structure of social criticism when wearing positivism and post positivism language.

c. Blurred Genres phase (1970-1986), it was characterized by Naturalism approach, post positivism and constructivism. Qualitative researchers began to be sensitive to the politics and ethics of their work, stopped the freedom to display their subjective interpretation, and generated 'thick descriptions' multi perspective through a literary genre.

d. Crisis of Representation phase (1986-1990), the research and report became to be full reflective power, the new "politics" step in textually authority view of empirical knowledge which represented "a variety of life experiences (the world of lived experience), field research and free writing (fieldwork and writing blur), the appearance of writing as a method (writing as a method of inquiry emerges) ".

e. Postmodern Experimental Ethnographic Writing Phase (1990-1995), researchers responded "triple crises" of "representation, legitimation, and praxis experiment" by taking a new step in showing the figure of 'other', the main focus of participatory research and "generating theory" was from the treasure of small scale local problem solving research in Contexts.

f. Postexperimental Inquiry Phase (1995-2000), the researchers focused on new ways and politicized the depiction of "lived experience", through "fictional ethnographies, multimedia texts, visual forms, and multi-voiced representations "and so on.

g. Methodologically Contested Present Phase (2000-2004), a period of debate and the appearance of massive deregulation efforts for qualitative research among conservatives, who claimed to be "bearers of truth" based on the validity of the research.
h. Immediate Future Phase (2005-), social scientists emphasized the importance of  "social justice" goal in the dimension of the research, which later expressed to a variety of social science that was “indigenous”, academy decolonization through graduate research and culture in various faculties, the social scientists transformed their institutions through liberation methodology. 

i. Fractured Future phases, the academics worked within the framework of political praxis, brought up a new generation in terms of ethics, aesthetics, and teleological which globalized the world. 

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