Types of Cancer in Woman

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During human life, body cells continuously do division. Cell division is important in the process of wound healing and replacement of broken cells.

women cancer

With the existing balance, the process occurs programmatically, regularly and disciplined. This cell division only occurs when it is necessary.

When there is an imbalance in the cell division process resulting in uncontrolled and abnormal cell growth, there will be cancer. The cancer process takes place for years without any symptoms felt.

From the various kinds of cancer, most of them are suffered by some women, for example, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, and breast cancer.

Although in some cases, lung cancer is mostly suffered by men than women. Cancer in women is often a verdict for the end of a woman's life. As the result, the women suffer from cancer not only have physical suffering, for example when undergoing chemotherapy, but also psychological distress.

Because of that, comprehensive handling, not only treatment or therapy but also morally support, is very needed by cancer patients, especially women.

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