Types, Symptoms and Treatment of Bone Cancer

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Types of bone cancer are divided into three:
bone cancer
Image www.painresearchforum.org
1. Osteosarcoma
Osteosarcoma is the most common malignant bone cancer, usually occurs in men between 10 and 25 years old and also occurs in the arms and legs bones, which is on the knee and shoulder.

2. Ewing`s Sarcoma
Ewing`s sarcoma is the most aggressive bone tumor, usually occurs in children between 4-15 years old and it is very rare in adults. This cancer is most common occurs in the middle of arm and leg bones.

3. Chondrosarcoma
Chondrosarcoma is a second most common malignant tumor. It usually occurs in adults over 40 years old.
There is also benign bone cancer, this type include: osteoid Osteoma, Osteoblastoma, osteochondroma, Enchondroma, Chondromyxoid, fibroma and Giant Cell Tumors that could potentially be malignant tumor.

The most common symptoms of bone cancer is pain, which usually will get worse over time. At first, the pain usually occurs at night or during the activities. So, if you often feel pain in your bones continuously you should immediately go to a doctor before the tumor spread to another body cell.

Bone Cancer Treatment is often done with surgery. The aim of surgery is to remove cells and tumor tissue and the surrounding area of normal bone. Even sometimes to treat bone cancer can be done by amputations on the affected area of cancer. Other treatment to kill cancer cells is usually with chemotherapy or radiation therapy with high-powered x-ray.

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