Concept of the essence of marketing

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The concept of the essence of marketing consist of 6 points below:

1. Needs, Wants and Demans

2. Product consisting of goods, service and idea

3. value, cost and satisfaction

4. transaction and exchange

5. relation and network

6. market, marketer and prospect.

Definitions of above six points are as follow:

1. definition of Needs

Needs are the will of human into goods or service which gives either self-satisfaction or inner needs.Other definition of needs is anything to fulfill to keeping viability and to increasing the prosperity to get satisfaction.

2. definition of Wants

Wants are strained situation into final consideration which is done by someone to get source of satisfaction.

3. definition of Demans

Demands are the will for specific product supported by ability and the ready to buy.

4. definition of Product

Product is anything to offer for satisfying needs and wants. This product can be goods, service or idea.

5. definition of Value

Value is the account of consumer for all product abilities to satisfy the needs.

6. definition of Cost

Cost of marketing to Hansen and Mowen is costs needed to market the product or service, including cost of honor and commission of marketer, cost of advertising, cost of warehousing and cost of customer service.

7. definition of Satisfaction

Satisfaction to Oliver is level of someones feeling after comparing the work or the result tasted with the hope.

8. definition of transaction

Transaction is the meeting between seller and buyer which give profit each other through entering the dates into journal after record-keeping.

9. definition of Exchange

Exchange is an action to get the goods wanted from someone by offering anything as requital.

10. definition of relation

It is practice of satisfying long-term relation building with key parts customer, supplier, dealer to keep preference and long-term business.

11. definition of network

It is unique asset development of corporate containing of corporate and all interesting supporting parts, such customer, worker, supplier, dealer, retailers, advertising agent, scientist, and other part together with corporate which made business relation giving profit each other.

12. definition of market

Market is all potential customers which have same needs and wants, want to do exchange to satisfy needs and wants.

13. definition of marketer

Marketer is someone looking for one or more candidates of buyer who will involve in value exchange.

14. definition of prospect

Prospect to SiswantoSutejo is a whole image, either threat or opportunity of the next marketing activity relating to uncertainty of marketing or sale activity.

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