Causes and Types of Cancer

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Like the other cancer, the certain causes of lung cancer havent known yet. But, until now the fume of smoke is claimed as the prime cause of lung cancer.
causes of cancer

What is the reason? Because of smoke contains more than 4.000 various. Of chemical, the 50 types of that, contains of carcinogen and poisonous. For that, the more often someone smoke, the bigger also the risk to smoker become sufferer of lung cancer.

This risk also can happen to someone who doesnt smoke, but often affected by fumes of smoke (passive smoker). What a pity this passive smoker. They dont smoke but “their suffering” is same with active smoker.

The other causes of lung cancer are contaminants around air of asbestos, air pollution of vehicle fumes and burning (including fumes of smoke), the invulnerability of body that too low, the age, and genetic factor. There are surprise thing about this, the result of recent research gives many strong proofs that betakarotene, which contained on the most of multivitamin, can increase the risk to be affected by lung cancer.

Types of Lung Cancer

There are two prime types of lung cancer. The both of them are different character so they need different treatment also.

Those types of lung cancer are:

1. Non Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)

2. Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC)

Non Small Cell Lung Cancer still divided to three types, that are:

1. Carcinoma squamous; this cancer type often caused of smoke.

2. Adenocarcinoma ; this type amends from cells that produce mucous in the airways.

3. Carcinoma big cell ; the form of this cancer cell underneath microscope suitable with its name, that is big cells. Or have known as undifferentiated carcinoma.

More than 80% from lung cancer case is NSCLC type.

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