Types and Treatment of Varicose Veins

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Based on the shape of every grade, types of varicose veins can be distinguished:
varicose veins types

a. Truncal
This type of varicose veins is a symptom of grade 3, i.e branching veins, winding and blue. Truncal can occur along the thigh to the ankle, depending on the spreading.
b. Reticularis
Reticularis is a branch of truncal and usually appears if varicose veins have already entered the third level.
c. Spider Vein
Spider Veins are little red and smooth blood vessels. This type is quite mild and usually spreads in the skin of the body such as cheeks, thighs and arm base.

The methods to treat and remove varicose veins should be adjusted to the grade, they are:
a. Grade 1
There is no physical signs, pain, and stiffness at this level, especially when the legs are used for walking, it can be treated with certain drugs. Drugs that are commonly given to varicose patients with grade1 are venoruton and drug for hemorrhoids. However, it can also be done therapy using special stocking for varicose to depress the legs in order not to appear more severe symptoms.
b. Grade 2
When it appears bluish veins in the legs, treatment to eliminate this type of varicose veins is similar drug injection with sodium Polydocanol. Injection method which is done is by injection in the standing position, so it looks vein clots. After the injection, the patient is required to lie down and bandaged foot for 3-5 days.
c. Grade 3
When the veins that appear are already seen widening, lengthening and branching, the only treatment is by operation method. In principle, this operation is done by inserting a tool called a stripper that is inserted into the truncal and then stretched to make the blood vessels be straight. While for reticularis (truncal branch), it should be cut to eliminate them. Postoperatively, the legs will be elevated as high as 15 degrees, and after the wound is dry, leg bandaging will be opened, and able to do the activity.
d. Grade 4
In principle, when there is a large wound in vein bump (truncal), it should be done surgery to realign the vein, and cut out all reticularis or branches of a truncal. After surgery done to stabilize the vein, then focus on treating wounds that are already on the foot skin. Therefore, the legs will look beautiful again.

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