Definition and Form of Informed Consent

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What is Informed Consent?
The definition of informed consent (Hanafi, 1999): Approval given by patient to the doctor when the patient receives an explanation.
Informed consent
The definition of informed consent (Komalawati, 1989): An agreement / consent of the patient on the medical business to be conducted by doctors against him, after a patient gets information from the doctor about medical efforts that can be done to help him, with information regarding any possible risks.

Informed consent from the patient can be done by:
Perfect and written language, perfect oral language, imperfect language but acceptable by others, Sign language and acceptable by others, Silent but understandable and acceptable by others.

Informed consent forms can be divided into two:
1. Expression, it can be orally and in writing
2. Implied or tacit consent, in normal circumstances and in an emergency situation.

According to Haryani (2005), suggested that the elements that should be informed by the doctor to the patient include:
The procedure that will be performed on patients, the risks that may occur, benefits of actions to be performed, alternative actions that can be done, the possibility that can arise when an action is not done, the accompanied prognosis (forecast) disease course, approximate cost of treatment.
If the patient is incompetent, the informed consent may be requested to the authorities. They are:
the guardian or curator, husband or wife, parties who have given the authority, father / mother, adult son, adult brother / sister.

According to Catherine Tay Swee Kian (Fuady, 2005), recommended that information refers to the operation case should be equipped with:
1. Name of operation
2. The characteristic and the nature of the treatment performed
3. What the organs of the body to be operated on
4. The duration of treatment
5. The calculation of the treatment cost
6. Another alternative treatment that can be done
7. Possible complications that can occur
8. The possibility of pain
9. Risks that occur if the action is done and the risks if the action is not done.
10. Special Warning to things that happen after operation
11. The advantage of the model of treatment given
12. Limitations of the relevant treatment models
13. The level of success of the operation based on the experience of the doctor.
14. Anything that might be felt by the patient after operation.

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