Qualitative Data Analysis

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What is Qualitative Data Analysis?
Data analysis provides ways to analyze, how to use data that has been collected for use in research problem solving, the collected data should be separated based on their respective categories and then interpreted in search of answers about research.
Qualitative Data analysis
According to Miles and Huberman (1984), qualitative data analysis is done interactively and continues over time to complete, so the data is already saturated.
The activities in this analysis include:
1). Data Reduction 
The data obtained is quite a lot. Because of that, it should be noted carefully and in detail. Data reduction means summarizing, choosing the basic things, focusing on important things, looking for themes and patterns. Thus, the data reduced will provide a clearer representation.
2). Data Display 
After the data is reduced, the next step is presenting the data. Presentation of primary data can be done in the form of tables, graphs, and others. While secondary data presentation can be done in the form of narrative text.
3). Conclusion / Verification 
Conclusion in qualitative research is a new finding that had not been there. The finding could be a description or representation of an object that is previously dim or dark, so that it will be clear after investigation.

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