The following are the definition of dependent, independent, controlled, moderator, and intervening variables.
Dependent Variable
Dependent variable is a research variable measured to determine the effect or the effect from the other variable. The great effect is observed based on exist - non exist, appear - disappear, increase decrease, or seen variation changes as a result of the other variable.
Independent Variable
Independent variable is a variable in which the variance affects other variable. Free variable is a variable which affects other determined variables. It is selected and deliberately manipulated by the researcher, in order the effect on other variables can be observed and measured.
Control Variable
What the researcher can do in this case is making independent variables which are going to be measured into control variable. Control variable is a free variable that the dependent variable is controlled by the researcher by neutralizing the effect. In other words, free variable which is allowed to be various in the beginning, now is limited to minimalize or omit the variation.
Moderator Variable
Moderator variable is a non ultimate independent variable which is also observed by the researcher to determine how far the effect has impact on the relationship between the main independent variable and the dependent variable. Moderator variable which is allowed to be various so the effect on the other variables will be easily observed and measured that the conclusion about the relationship between the independent and the dependent variables is clearer.
Intervening Variable
Intervene variable is a factor that theoretically has impact on the observed phenomena, however, the variable itself is unseen, unmeasured, or manipulated so that the effect on the phenomena should be concluded from the independent and moderate variables.