Definition of Diuretic drug is the drug that used to reproduce expenditure urine and used to blot oedema and asites.
The increase in speed of the urine by:
A. Increases the filtrat glomeruli, like Orthosiphonis folium.
B. Reabsorption depression by body, like furosemidum, Chlorothiazidum, Hydrochlorothiazidum (H.C.T.)
Hematinic drug is the drug that has function to give stimulant or fix the formation process of red cell. Example Acidum Folicum, Vitamin B12, Ferrosi Fumarat, Ferrosi Lactas, Ferrosi Sulfas.
Hypnotic drug is the drug that has function to make sleeping, if the doses is low, the effect just make someone calm. Example Barbitol (Venarol), Phenobarbitol (Luminal), Bromeval (Bromural), Metaqualon, Nitrazepam (Mogadon).
Cardiotonic drug is the drug that has function to make stronger of heart work, used to Heart DE compensation trouble, the drug type is individual, so drug substitutions must be from doctor recipe. Example Digitoxin, Digoxin, Folia Digitalis, Lenatoside C.
Contraseptive drug is the drug that has function to prevent the pregnant. There is drug that given every oral known as anti-pregnant tablet. And there is medicine that given every injection. For example: Linestrenol with Etinil Estradiol, Noretisteron with Etinilestradiol, and Noretisteron with Mestranol.