Definition, Level and Criteria of Knowledge

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 Definition, Level and Criteria of Knowledge


a. Understanding Knowledge

Knowledge is the result of knowing, and this occurs after a person has sensed a certain object. Observation occurs through the five human senses it has (eyes, nose, ears, and so on). Most of human knowledge is obtained through the eyes and ears. Thus, at the time of sensing to produce knowledge, it is strongly influenced by the intensity of attention and perception of the object (Notoatmodjo, 2010).

b. Knowledge level

According to Notoatmodjo (2010) A person's knowledge has different intensities or levels, which are divided into levels:

1. Know, is defined as remembering a pre-existing memory, including recalling a stimulus that has been received. Know is the lowest level of knowledge. Ways of measuring that people know about what they are learning include mentioning, describing, defining, and so on.

2. Comprehension, which is understanding a certain object by not only knowing and not only being able to mention, but also being able to correctly interpret the known object.

3. Application is defined if people who have understood the object in question can use or apply the known principles to other situations.

4. Analysis, namely the ability of a person to describe or separate, then look for the relationship between the components contained in a problem or known object.

5. Synthesis, namely the ability to summarize the parts into a logical relationship and form from the components they have.

6. Evaluation, relating to a person's ability to make an assessment of a particular object.

Measurement of knowledge can be done by means of questionnaires or interviews by asking the content of the material to be measured from the respondents. The extent to which the knowledge we measure can be adjusted to the 6 levels above (Notoatmodjo. 2012)

c. Knowledge Criteria

According to Arikunto (2010) one's knowledge can be known and interpreted with a qualitative scale, namely:

1. Good, if the subject can answer correctly 76%-100% of all the questions given.

2. Moderate, if the subject can answer correctly 56%-75% of all questions given.

3. Less, if the subject can only answer correctly <56% of all questions given.

References :

Notoatmodjo S. 2012. Promosi Kesehatan dan Perilaku Kesehatan. Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta.

Notoatmodjo. S. 2010. Promosikesehatan. Teori dan aplikasinya. Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta.

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