Definition and Types of Dental Calculus

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Dental Calculus is a mass that undergo calcified that formed and attached tightly on a tooth surface, and the other solid object in the mouth. Calculus is a classified dental plaque.

calculus stain teeth

There are two kinds about calculus :

1. Supra Gingival Calculus

Supra gingival calculus is yellowish white; consistency was hard like a clay stone and easy to remove from tooth surface with scalar. The color of calculus can be influenced by food waste or smoking.

Supra gingival calculus can occurs on one tooth, a group of teeth or all teeth, more often found on the buccal molar of the upper jaw that faced with ductus Stensen’s on the part of lingual front teeth of the lower jaw that faced with ductus Wharton’s besides that calculus much found on a tooth that is not often used.

2. Sub Gingival Calculus

Sub gingival calculus is under the limit gingival the margin, usually on the gum pocket area and cannot look when at the time examination. To determine the location and expansion should be done a probing with explorer.

Sub gingival calculus usually dense and hard, old brown or blackish green, the consistency like fire and attached tightly to tooth surface.

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