Cataract Surgery

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One thing that is important to note that there is no cure cataracts , except with cataract surgery . With this cataract surgery , the eye cataract can be cured .
cataract eye
Definition of Cataract Surgery is the most appropriate way to address and heal eye cataracts . Currently cataract surgery technique is very sophisticated .
Cataract surgery can be performed without having to wait for a mature , when the cataract patients are already disturbed vision it can be readily performed cataract surgery .

In cataract surgery , to currently available technology , modern cataract surgery using phacoemulsification machine . In cataract surgery using phacoemulsification instrument is the width of the wound incision surgery is minimal , ie the width of the incision is only 1.8 to 2 millimeters .

Incision cataract surgery also does not need stitches and using artificial lenses ( intra ocular lens or lens implant ) to replace the affected lens cataracts . So that the impression of bleeding due to cataract surgery is not there anymore .

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