Types and Sample of Question

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Here are about Types and Sample of Question:
1. Open Question
This open question cannot be answered with "Yes" or "No".
The aim is to encourage the respondent to develop answers of questions. Open questions begin with the word "Why", "Who", "When", "What", "Where".
For examples:
Why do you like golf?
When do you play golf?
2. Closed Question 
Closed question is answered with "Yes", "No", "Agree", "Disagree”, "True" and "False".
For example:
Lawyer is a legal profession, True or False?
3. Specific Question
Specific question is a question that asks specific information.
For example:
When do you get bored of playing golf?
4. Reflective Question
Reflective question aims to provide more in-depth information.
For example:
In fact, a lawyer is a profession that ....?
5. Directing Question 
This directing question aims to facilitate the respondent and the answers of the questions are already in the questions submitted.
For example:
Lawyer is evidently a very nice profession, isn’t it?
6. Hypothetical Question 
Hypothetical question aims to determine the reaction and the speed of thinking in solving the problem.
For example:
As a lawyer, what do you do if you lose in court?
7. Behavior Question 
It is a question that asks about the experience or what to do from respondent.
For example:
Explain what you do as a lawyer in defending clients in court.

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