Various Kinds of Speech Methods

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Various Kinds of Speech Methods
Proper speech method will affect the speech interesting or not, so you should choose the right method in speech in order to make your speech good and interesting.
The following speech methods if used by orators, all of them will generate a good speech, but for beginners or people who are not accustomed to speech, not all the following speech methods are appropriate to be used.
Various Kinds of Speech methods are as follows:
1. Manuscript Speech Method
This method is very appropriate used for the beginner, because in this method the speaker performs a speech by reading the script that has been prepared in advance. However, this method will generally produce flat speech because it is done by reading the script so that it seems less attractive and it seems that the speaker is less expert in speech. However, this method can also give authoritative and good impression if the speakers are good at giving emphases on the material presented.
2. Impromptu or spontaneous Speech Method 
This method will generate a good speech if done by an orator, because this method is a method of speech without preparation. Conversely, if it is done by a person who is not an orator, it will make a speech without direction that lead to a mess speech.
3. Memorizing Speech Method
This method can be used by beginners and a speech expert. By memorizing the material speech to be delivered, it will give the impression of expertise and skills that qualified for the speech. The advantage is that we can do an impromptu or spontaneous speech.  
4. Extemporal or No Manuscript Preparation Speech Method
This method does not use the script but the speech uses the important notes or subject matter that can assist in delivering speech material. Not everyone will memorize the speech material to be delivered, but by making important notes of this material, it will greatly assist the delivery of material in a systematic and good speech.

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