Definition of Educational Administration of the Experts

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Definition of The Educational Administration of the Experts as follow:

Educational Administration to Robert E. Wilson (1966) : "Educational administration is the coordination of forces necessary for the good instruction of all children within a school organization into an orderly plan for accomplishing the unit`s objectives, and the assuring of their proper accomplishment".

Educational Administration to Carter, Stephen G. Knezevich(1962) : Educational Administration is a process dealing with creation, maintenance, stimulation and pooling of personnel in an educational institution in order to realize the goals determined before".

Educational Administration to Dictionary of Education second edition (1959) written by Good Carter V :Educational Administration is all techniques and procedures doing duty for school organization corresponding to determined policy.

Educational Administration to Curriculum book, Correction works within educational sector and educational administration :educational administration is a whole process, collective activity within educational sector including strategy, organizing, instruction, reporting, coordinating, monitoring and costing, by using or utilizing the available facility, either personnel, material or spiritual, to achieve the goal of education effectively and efficiently.

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