Discussion Learning Method

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Discussion Learning Method allows for interaction between teachers and students or among the students. This is the advantage of discussion method that is not possessed by lecture method. Besides that, through discussion method, the teacher can read the students’ minds about new concepts learned, such as assessing their understanding, whether they misunderstand or bias of the new concepts.
Similarly, their emotion and reaction to the concept can be observed to see their readiness in accepting new innovation or concepts. However, because discussion method just can work well if the students have had the experience or the basic concept of the issues to be discussed, lecture method can be used to explain the theory or concept before the discussions held.
discussion learning method
Things that need to be considered in conducting group discussion are:
1. The basic concept for the solution of the problem in the discussion has been understood by students.
2. The issues or cases to be discussed should be clear.
3. The teacher's role is to guide the discussion instead of giving lectures. For example, guiding shy students to be active and controlling talkative students. 
The advantage of discussion method and this method is appropriate to:
1. Be given if the students have had a concept or experience of the material to be discussed.
2. Deepen the students’ knowledge that has been mastered.
3. Train students to identify and solve problems and make decisions.
4. Train students to face problems in groups.
The limitedness and the weaknesses of discussion method:
1. It takes much longer and there should be few members (should be divided into a group of 7-10 people for a large class).
2. It is prerequisite for students to have sufficient background to be able to discuss the issues.
3. It cannot be given in the early step of learning process if the students do not have a concept or experience of the material to be taught.

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