Principles and Essential Elements of Primary Health Care Sevice

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Principles of Primary Health Care :
a. Equitable Distribution
Health care services should be equally accessible to all people.
b. Community Participation
Individuals and communities should be actively involved in the planning and operation of health care services.
c. Focus on Prevention
Priority should be given to prevention and promotion over cure.
d. Appropriate Technology
Appropriate technology should be used, i.e., methods, procedures, techniques and equipment should be scientifically valid, adapted to local needs, and acceptable to uses and to those for whom they are used.
e. Multisectoral Approach
Health care is only a part of total health development; health care providers must work with individuals in the other sectors such as education, nutrition, agriculture, and housing to achieve well being for all.

Essential Elements of Primary Health Care Service : 
a. Education concerning prevailing health problems and methods of preventing and controlling them.
b. Promotion of food supply and proper nutrition.
c. The provision of safe water and basic sanitation.
d. Maternal and child health care, including family planning.
e. Immunization against the major infectious diseases.
f. Prevention and control of locally endemic diseases.
g. Appropriate treatment of common diseases and injures.
h. Provision of essential drugs.
(Source : Grace L. Deloughery, 1991, Issues and Trends in Nursing, Mosby Year Book, St. Louis, Missouri).

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